The outcome of this workflow is to have ALL accounts in each QBO ‘subsidiary’ company (subco) mapped to an account in your QBO ‘parent’ consolidation company (parentco). The COAs across all your QBO companies can be different. This flexibility is possible as you will map the COA of each subco separately to the parentco. Once all your COAs are mapped, you typically will not need to engage this workflow again except to map new accounts that are created over time or you need to change the account mappings to adopt a new reporting structure.


While COA’s are often thought of as the bedrock of your accounting, there is no limit to the breadth and variability of COAs across and even within enterprises. To help you get through this workflow, we offer you three methods to work through your COA mappings

1) automapping

2) manual mapping

3) mapping via an excel template


Regardless the state of your COA’s across your QBO companies, we recommend the following pathway;


Engage the COA Mapping Dashboard

  • The landing page will display a table with all your subco’s listed with data on how many accounts are in the COA and how many are unmapped

  • You need to map all currently active accounts as well as in-active accounts that had a balance in the past

  • In-Active accounts that never had a balance will not need to be mapped, these accounts are filtered out from the mapping schedules

  • To identify which of your in-active accounts never had a balance, click the green circular arrow symbol for each company - the system will run a check and update the tracking table - note this workflow may take up to a minute to run depending on the breadth and duration of accounting periods in the QBO company as it has to search through all accounting periods for any transactions in each in-active account


Select <Modify Mapping> button – to map chart of accounts for each subsidiary, then follow these steps;


Auto-Mapping (STEP 1)

  • Start with auto-mapping to reduce the number of accounts to map manually

  • Start with exact match - subco and parentco accounts that meet this threshold will highlight in green, de-select any accounts you don’t want to match and click save

  • Repeat with 80%+ match, de-select as appropriate any matches, click save

  • Repeat with 50%+ match, de-select or select matches as appropriate, click save


Manual Mapping (STEP 2)

  • Remaining un-mapped accounts displayed in the subco table will need to be manually mapped by selecting an account in the subco table and click the map button next to desired account in the parentco table

  • When you select an account on the subco table, the parentco list will re-order based on best match in rank order

  • TIP - you can multi-select accounts (in the same broad account type) in the subco table and mass map in one click to an account in the parentco table


Mapping by Spreadsheet (Optional Alternative for Manual Mapping)

  • An alternative option for manual mapping is the spreadsheet method

  • Export the mapping template to excel and open the downloaded file

  • Follow the instructions in the excel workbook to complete the required mappings

  • Save the file and import to JustConsoldate to update the COA mappings


Other features

  • Refresh COA lists - if you make changes in QBO to any of your accounts while you have JustConsolidate open, refreshing the COA lists will trigger a fresh pull of latest COAs from your QBO companies so updates are available for mapping

  • Purge Mappings - will erase all COA mappings currently saved for the selected subco so you can restart mappings from scratch

  • Download all COA Mappings - engage the COA mapping dashboard, click the <Download COA Mappings>  button to download an excel spreadsheet formatted like a pivot table that displays how the full COAs of each subco is aligned or mapped to the COA of your parentco - this spreadsheet is a view only report